Baby language training

9-12 months old babies like to mutter to themselves, sometimes they will utter some single words or words, and will say a sentence consisting of 2 to 3 words, but they are vague, so they often say something difficult to understand . At the same time, babies like to imitate the actions of adults during this period, such as waving "goodbye", clapping "welcome" and so on. Experts tell us that from the perspective of the baby's language characteristics in this period, this is a critical period for the baby's language development. At this time, the baby's language ability needs to be fully developed and cultivated. Therefore, the new mother can take advantage of the baby’s imitating characteristics and take the opportunity to teach him various words that match the gestures. Practice a few more times, and the baby will remember it soon.

In fact, cultivating your baby's language ability can capture every detail in life and talk to him more. The content of the conversation is best closely related to the baby's life and is the most familiar thing and thing. For example, when you dress your baby, you can tell him what you are doing so that he understands what your action is, so that the baby can increase his ability to understand language. People say that "the eyes are the windows of the soul", so when communicating with the baby, the new mother should communicate with the baby more. And through the kind eyes of the new mother, the baby can gain self-confidence; listening to the new mother's voice and seeing the familiar expressions can lay a good foundation for the baby to "speak".

Cultivate your baby's language ability as the baby grows up, and adopt appropriate methods, especially when talking with your baby, you must first follow the content of your baby's words. When interacting with their babies, many new mothers have never thought of letting them speak with their babies, but are always used to letting their babies speak with them. In this regard, if you can occasionally follow the content of your baby's words, the effect will be much better than blindly complimenting the baby. Because this is a recognition for the baby, the little guy will have a sense of accomplishment from this, which greatly encourages his expression of language.

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Secondly, we must cleverly guide the baby to talk about the content. Attentive new mothers will find that the baby is often absent-minded in speaking. For example, although he is talking about an apple, he is thinking of something else. This kind of inconcentration will affect his ability to speak. Therefore, you should promptly give guidance after discovering this situation of your baby. For example, when your baby says "apple", you should immediately take his words and say, "Apples are delicious, and mom will give you an apple to eat." , And really peeled an apple for him after speaking. In this way, in addition to helping the baby to concentrate, it can also expand the baby's memory and use of language.

Also respect the baby fully. As a new mother, you must respect your baby’s feelings when talking to your baby. Don’t say things that make your baby sad. Let your baby feel the respect, care and attention of the new mother, so that the baby can express his opinions. , So as to form a good language ability.

Here are some specific methods to develop your baby's language skills, and they are effective, and can be used by new mothers:

(1) Observation and expression. Cultivate your baby's language ability, but also cultivate your baby's observation ability, let him observe the facial expressions of adults, and understand the emotions such as happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, and what is the difference when speaking. In addition, guide the baby to observe the different mouth shapes of the adult when speaking, so as to lay the foundation for learning to speak in the future. Therefore, when you usually talk to your baby, be sure to face him and make him notice your facial expressions and mouth shapes.

(2) There is language everywhere in life. To cultivate language skills, don't let your baby live in a quiet environment. In fact, all sounds in life are the best language teaching materials for babies. You can talk to your baby while doing housework, and the sounds of birds, the beeping of water, the beeping of cars, etc. in life can all make your baby feel different language characteristics.

(3) Learn common simple words. New mothers can help the baby learn language by cooperating with some actions in real life, so that the baby can understand the language of daily necessities, for example, what is "apple", "biscuits", "banana", "cup", "hat", "clothes" and other daily foods and supplies And so on; You can also help your baby learn language by cooperating with actions in real life, and let your baby combine "physical objects" and "actions" with language, such as "Give me, give you, bring, put down, open, close, etc.".

(4) Find a goal with the baby. Generally speaking, babies are always curious about what adults are doing and what they say. Then, you can borrow this curiosity of your baby and let him and you look for the goal in the same direction, so as to let the baby see and say. Confirm with your ears what the things are saying from your mouth and other purposes, so as to increase his understanding of the language.

(5) Let the baby learn to use noun definitions. When the baby starts to speak, he is not sensitive to some pronouns, such as "you", "me" and "he". They often don't know how to use them. Therefore, you should use nouns to define things in daily life as much as possible. Usually you can ask your baby, "What do you want?" "Do you want to give me the biscuits in your hand?" "Do you know where he comes from?" and so on.

(6) Learn to speak according to pictures. Usually, babies like pictures very much at this stage, so smart new mothers can develop the baby's ability to read pictures and speak at this stage. You can choose some brightly colored and easy-to-understand pictures for your baby, and then teach him slowly, it is easier to arouse your baby's interest.

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