What complementary foods can be added at all stages of the baby?

What complementary foods can be added at all stages of the baby?

Jun 16, 2021XieYifang

When the baby needs supplementary food, I don't know how to add what is suitable for the baby. This time the editor has sorted out which supplementary foods can be added at each stage of the baby?

After a baby grows to a certain stage, breast milk alone cannot meet the body's nutritional supplement needs, and the baby needs to supplement nutrition with other foods. The so-called complementary food is because the main source of nutrition for babies is breast milk or milk powder, while other foods play a supplementary role to help babies supplement their nutrition. Supplementary foods cannot replace breast milk and milk powder!

Adding complementary foods has the following benefits, not only can supplement the baby's nutrition:

1. Exercise your baby's ability to chew food.

2. It is conducive for babies to adapt to the diversification of food, so that the gastrointestinal system slowly transitions to adapt to adult food;

3. Let the baby be interested in food, prevent the baby from picky eaters and partial eclipses.

How old is the baby to add supplementary food?

Adding complementary foods to babies cannot be based on feelings. According to the recommendations of international authorities: 0-6 months babies should be completely breastfed, and supplementary foods can be added to babies at 6 months, up to 8 months.

When healthy babies reach the age of six months, their gastrointestinal tract development, oral motility and other sensory systems are relatively complete, and supplementary food can be added. But every baby's situation is different. After April, the baby can consult the doctor whether he can start to prepare the baby food maker in advance to add supplementary food to the baby.

baby food maker-products

Supplementary order of supplementary food

From shallow to deep, from weak to strong, from weak to strong, from weak to strong, from weak to strong.

The process of supplementing nutrition is divided into four stages:

The first stage, the swallowing stage, is mainly for babies aged 6-7 months

The second stage, the chewing stage, is mainly for babies aged 7-8 months

The third stage, the chewing stage, is mainly for babies 9-11 months old

The fourth stage, the chewing stage, is mainly for babies aged 12-18 months

Precautions for adding complementary foods at different stages

Precautions during swallowing period.

In babies of about half a year, due to the increase in nutrients required by the body, breast milk alone can no longer provide sufficient nutrition. At this time, adding complementary food to the baby can supplement 10% of the body's nutritional needs.

Because the baby's teeth have just sprouted, and most of them are incisors, the molars have not yet grown, and the baby eats mainly by swallowing, so it is suitable for eating rice milk, vegetable puree, fruit puree, etc.

Precautions during chewing.

Seven to eight months old babies enter the chewing stage, they will use their tongues to help chew food, and the baby's gastrointestinal function will also be enhanced. At this time, the supplementary food can be thickened.

At this time, the baby is suitable for adding crushed noodles, rice porridge, chicken nuggets, crushed vegetables, mashed meat, etc.

During this period of time, supplementary food can be added 1-2 times a day according to the baby's situation. If it is twice a day, it is once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Be careful not to change the pattern when adding it.

It is also necessary to observe whether the baby is allergic to a certain food, and pay attention to the condition of stool, and seek medical attention if there is any uncomfortable place.

Precautions when chewing.

The teeth of the baby from nine to eleven months have grown, and the gastrointestinal function has also been improved. At this time, the baby has entered the chewing stage, and some solid food can be added to the baby.

Finger-edible foods (molar sticks, steamed potato chips, sweet potato sticks, carrot sticks, etc.), crushed food (not superior)

To add supplementary food at this stage, the baby must be taken and eaten by himself, and the parents must be around to take care of it. Small particles such as peanuts and melon seeds should not be given to avoid throat jam.

Precautions during chewing.

The baby enters the chewing period for 12-18 months, at which time the baby's teeth are basically full.

The source of nutrients is completely dependent on food. Three meals a day can be eaten normally. It is enough to eat the same food as adults, but be careful not to eat high-quality foods and control the intake of snacks.

Also note that you can add more snacks, fruits, yogurt, etc. between meals, and use a variety of foods to ensure balanced nutrition, so as not to be picky eaters.

Let your baby eat with a spoon as much as possible to promote brain development. Also pay attention to gargle before going to bed to protect baby teeth.

The growt

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