The hazards of infant feeding too often

The hazards of infant feeding too often

Jun 18, 2021XieYifang

The hazards of infant feeding too often? Babies have to eat and drink too much milk. The body has to spend more time on digestion. The gastrointestinal tract needs to digest too much food, which can easily lead to the expansion of the digestive tract in the body.

Cause brain fatigue

Babies have to eat and drink too much milk. The body has to spend more time on digestion. The gastrointestinal tract needs to digest too much food, which can easily lead to the expansion of the digestive tract in the body. As a result of the limited blood to digest food, brain cells will be temporarily ischemic. Especially for babies who eat more, it will have a great impact on the baby's brain development in the long run.

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Backward development of athletic ability

Many babies don’t like to exercise because they eat a lot and become obese. They feel tired after exercise. After a long time, the baby is not interested in sports. As a result, the baby's athletic ability will lag behind other children of the same age, and obesity can also lead to other undesirable diseases.

Overeating diarrhea

Many cases of diarrhea in babies are caused by breastfeeding, which suddenly aggravates the food that the body needs to digest. Then the baby’s stomach and intestines have digestive disorders due to some foods, which may cause diarrhea. The suggestion is to go to the hospital for an examination, and be careful not to give the baby too much milk.

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