Can baby keep eating rice noodles containing probiotics?

Can baby keep eating rice noodles containing probiotics?

Aug 20, 2021XieYifang

Rice noodles are the first complementary food that babies eat. At present, there are more and more types of rice noodles. In the process of making baby rice noodles, businesses also add a lot of nutrients, such as rice noodles that contain probiotics. After giving the baby probiotic rice noodles for a month or two, some parents still plan to continue to give him this kind of rice noodles. Can babies keep eating rice noodles containing probiotics?

It is not allowed to eat rice noodles containing probiotics for a long time. If you continue to eat it, it will affect the live bacteria in the baby’s stomach. Although the amount of probiotics in the rice noodles is not too much, long-term consumption will definitely do more harm than good. It is not recommended to eat too many probiotics when the baby's absorption status is good. It is only suitable for eating when the baby's absorption status is not very good.


Rice noodles are also excessive foods for babies. Generally, they will not be eaten for too long, at most about 3 months. After the baby’s teeth grow out, he can eat soft porridge, soft noodles, etc. You don’t need to eat it all the time. Rice noodles. Although the baby's long-term consumption of rice noodles is easy to digest, it may also affect the development of his body's various organs and the nutrients he obtains.

If your baby needs probiotics, you can buy special probiotics for your baby to eat. It is not recommended to buy rice noodles containing probiotics for your baby. First, the amount cannot be grasped enough, and secondly, it does not meet the actual needs of the baby's body for probiotics. It is better to choose ordinary rice noodles for the baby.

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